
NFIRS 5.0 Transaction: ‘Fire Mobile Property Involved’

Description : Mobile Property (e.g. vehicle, RV, etc.) involved in the fire

Module: Fire

Transaction Elements

The ‘Fire Mobile Property Involved’ transaction contains the following elements in order.

Key Elements

These elements are part of the ‘Fire Mobile Property Involved’ transaction, as they are part of every transaction, since they form the record key; they uniquely identify the incident from other incidents.

Transaction Specific Elements

These elements are part of the specific information carried by the ‘Fire Mobile Property Involved’ transaction. They form the main payload of this transaction.

Transaction Blocks

Transaction’s elements are regrouped by blocks. the following table list all the blocks of the ‘Fire Mobile Property Involved’ transaction.

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NFIRS Codes Cheat SheetNFIRS CodingNFIRS ExamplesFDIDsPOCsNFIRS TransactionsNFIRS ModulesNFIRS ElementsNFIRS RulesNFIRS ReferenceNFIRS Compliant ?

You can also read this NFIRS 5.0 Complete Reference Guide, and NFIRS 5.0 Design Documentation in order to have a deeper understanding of NFIRS 5.0. Here are also NFIRS 5.0 Forms ready for you to download and use.

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Last Updated on May 10, 2023